After 28 years of intensive research, Japanese medical experts have confirmed that gum from oak and birch trees possess special detoxifying effects. These gums are extracted and processed at high temperatures together with the natural ingredients, ground into powder form and packed into sachets to become a detox plaster. Its miraculous effects have brought about good health and slimming effects to millions, and it has become a popular product in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and South East Asia as a natural detox and fat removal products.
Benefits includes:
- Detox and discharge of fatty deposits
- Cleanse and purify body system of impurities and activates cells
- Relieves fatigue and tones up body
- Restores skin resiliency
- Regulate metabolism and increase energy level
- Helps achieve better sleep
- Removes waste accumulated in the lymphatic system of the body and increase body immunity.
How to use:
It is recommended to apply to the bottom of your feet. The body has 360 reflexology points which assists the toxin flush-out from the lymphatic system, the feet itself has 62 points.

It is also recommended to apply the patch for at least 8 hours. Usually, for convinience sake, it is easier to apply them while you are sleeping, from 10pm to 6am the next day.
You will see the result in the patches turning black, and it emits a smell. The more toxin flushed out overnight, the stronger the smell will be.

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