Get Started with Ariseway Detox and Weight Loss Products

Ariseway Detox Slimming Patch

Gum extracted from oak and birch trees possess special detoxifying effects. These gums are extracted and processed at high temperatures together with the natural ingredients, ground into powder form and packed into sachets to become a detox plaster. It is known as a natural detox and fat removal entity.

Ariseway HOT RED PATCH (WRX-2i)

WRX-2i Red Hot Patch is made from totally natural tree and bamboo extracts. It is the culmination of centuries of knowledge known to the Japanese and has been passed down through the generations.

WRX-2i is directed for people suffering from diabetes, gout, liver problems and infection. Clinical studies have proven that the inclusion of WRX-2i in daily use may reduce the risk factors associated with diabetes, liver and kidney diseases.

High Quality Detox Eye Pad

The eye detox pad detoxifies, mosturises and nourishes the eye area. Fast and immediate effect thus reducing the appearances of wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles and crows feet. Increase elasticity of skin surrounding eyes and treatment of saggy puffy eyes by removing excess fats. Visible results reducing appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around eyes.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What are the Ariseway Detox Slimming Patch's ingredients and how do they work?

Pyroligneous Acid or Wood Vinegar

Pyroligneous acid, a byproduct of the production of charcoal from wood. It is a dark, reddish-brown liquid that is composed mostly of acetic acid, but also contains methanol (wood alcohol), acetone, wood oils, and tars in varying amounts. Pyroligneous acid is also known as wood vinegar.

How Is Organic Wood Vinegar Made?

Wood vinegar is actually a distillate of burning wood. Ubame oak trees are heated to 250 degrees Celsius in a furnace. The smoke from the heated wood is collected and condensed. The condensation is the vinegar which is filtered not less than five times to insure the highest purity level. This vinegar is allowed to mature for six months after which the middle layer is filtered off for use in the final product.

The wood vinegar that's used in our Ariseway Detox Slimming Patch is in a powder form.

10 Internal Benefits of Wood Vinegar

- Reducing Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Indigestion.

- Removing Foul Odors.

- Stopping Bowel Diseases.

- Slowing Colic.

- Blocking Diarrhea.

- Reducing Peptic Ulcers

- Eliminating Dental Infections

- Lowering Cholesterol


Chitosan is a natural nutritional fiber which is made from the shell of shrimps. Chitosan has unique properties which makes it the effective fat blocker. Chitosan can bind dietary fat and cholesterol. By binding with cholesterol, Chitosan can reduce the re-absorption of cholesterol into our bodies therefore stopping fat from being stored in our bodies. Numerous claims have emerged noting chitosan as one of the most successful fat burners. Chitosan is said to be capable of absorbing fat and preventing it from getting into your body.

Benefits include:
- Strengthening the immune system
- Cell regeneration
- Healing property

Negative IONS (500 units)

Our red blood cells & blood vessels walls are slightly negative charged. Because like-charges repel, bringing in negative ions helps pushing blood flow, improves blood circulation. There is saying rheumatism patients can forecast rainy day. This is because before thunderstorm arrived, lots of positive ions are attracted, breathing in positive ions slow down blood circulation which resulted aches and pain for them.

- Enhancing immune system

- Providing relief from allergies, normalizing hormonal imbalances

- Decreasing irritability, depressing & increasing concentration & productivity, sharpen mental functioning

- Purify the blood

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